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The Study of the Video Games’ Impact on Human Psychology
Cristian López Raventós, Simone Belli
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Morelia, Mexico Universidad Complutense de Madrid Madrid, Spain
Abstract: In this work we planned to investigate the synergy between psychology and video games and document the effects video games cause to its users. Hence the psychology issues related to video games have addressed the effect they have on the users’ personality, health, and psycho social aspects. This work will focus a recount of the attempts to evaluate the effects video games have on users from a psychological outlook. The major issues the video game studies have had due to a conservative ideology that marks the designs of today’s psychology would be studied. The new inclusion as a disorder in the non-substance related addictions section within the DSM-5, until its definitive incorporation into the World Health Organization’s International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11), we can clearly identify a timeline of events and processes that have led to the construction of a discourse about the dangers of video games in people’s mental health.
Keywords: Video Game, Social Psychology, Personality Disorder, Health
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