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Information Use Pattern of Students of the Kenyatta University with a Focus on Gender and Cognitive Factors
Daniel Wambiri Muthee, Johnson M. Masinde
School of Education Kenyatta University, Nigeria., School of Information Management Central China Normal University China
Abstract: Use of proper design enhances the utilization of gamification with game parts in a non-game environment. Parents use the gamification applications with the help of the Technology Acceptance Model. We have initiated a study and found that the use of gamification applications increases parenting performance, productivity, and effectiveness. Further results revealed that the parents are not intended to use gamification in their occupations and that people who influence their behaviors do not think that they should use gamification applications. For this work, a quantitative approach and data analysis is performed using the SPSS program. The experimental results are analyzed and interpreted by tabulating frequency, percentages, t-test and Anova tests. It is possible to extend this study which can able to provide training on how parents can use gamification applications for their children’s education within the framework of the Technology Acceptance Model.
Keywords: Gender, Cognitive Factors, Graduate Students, Information Seeking
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