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Journal of Information & Systems Management (JISM)

Standardization Efforts to Secure Security in E-learning
Dragan Zlatkovic, Nebojsa Denic, Milos Ilic, Milena Petrovic
Alfa BK University in Belgrade, 3 Palimira Toljatija, Belgrade 11070, Serbia., University of Pristina, 29 Ivo Lola Ribara Kosovska Mitrovica 38220 Serbia
Abstract: Standardization with information security is required to optimum use of e-learning process. We in this work have evolved framework for quality assurance and used the security as well as learning parameters as input. We in this process have used the PDCA cycle and enhanced the system with a good LTSA architecture.
Keywords: E-learning, Standards, Security, PDCA Cycle, LTSA
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