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Journal of Digital Information Management (JDIM)
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Journal of Information & Systems Management (JISM)

Web-based Green House Laboratories
Silviya Letskovska, Kamen Seymenliyski, Ginko Georgiev, Pavlik Rahnev
Silvija Letskovska - Burgas Free University, San Stefano 62, 8000 Burgas, Bulgaria, Technical College, As. Zlatarov University, Y. Yakimov 1, Burgas 8010 Bulgaria
Abstract: Green house effect and green energy play a vital role in society. Laboratories can able to function using green energy in a web-based environment. The proposed web laboratory generates green energy which has a well-developed metrological system. Real-time data is solicited by the laboratory and possess weather characteristics and can able to produce electricity also. This process will result in the saving of the green-house gases.
Keywords: Teaching Laboratory, Meteorological System, Electricity, Emissions of Greenhouse Gases
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