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Journal of Information & Systems Management (JISM)

Study of Concepts in the Modern Engineering Teaching and Learning
Maja Atanasijevic-Kunc, Vito Logar, Matevz Pogacnik, Vassil Guliashki
University of Ljubljana Trzaška 25, 1000 Ljubljana Institute of Information and Communication Technologies – BAS Acad G Bonchev, Str. Bl. 2, 1113 Sofia Bulgaria
Abstract: In engineering education, a few core concepts such as simulation, optimization, and control design and techniques are essential for successful teaching and learning. For a specific project activities are drawn for proper education and we have present them in this work. These activities include many components such as workshops, summer schools, training which are carried out through cooperation. The experiences gained and the e-learning processes are explained in this work.
Keywords: Control Design, Dynamic Systems, Education, Elearning, Modelling, Optimization, Simulation
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