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Trajectories for Studying Movements and Map Matching Models
Timon Behr, Thomas C. van Dijk, Axel Forsch, Jan-Henrik Haunert, Sabine Storandt
University of Konstanz, Germany, University of Bochum, Germany, University of Bonn, Germany, University of Bonn, Germany, University of Konstanz, Germany
Abstract: Learning and studying engineering and technology require to understand the concepts and design properly to move ahead. In this work we fix some trajectories that can help to build a road map. The trajectories we propose have a special setup and use a different pattern. There are some examples for trajectories like a person is using a path and moving in markets. The movements using trajectories can use some meaningful actions. We in this work use OpenStreetMap data to not only extract the network but also areas that allow for free movement. We will explain how we use the data to the map matching model and explain the use of this method for testing and assessment of user movement.
Keywords: Map matching, OpenStreetMap, GPS, Trajectory, Road Network
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