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Algorithms and Viewsheds for Terrain Assessment
Ankush Acharyya, Ramesh K. Jallu, Maarten Löffler, Gert G.T. Meijer, Maria Saumell, Rodrigo I. Silveira, Frank Staals
The Czech Academy of Sciences Institute of Computer Science, Prague, Czech Republic Deptartment of Information and Computing Sciences Utrecht University, The Netherlands Academy of ICT and Creative Technologies NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences T
Abstract: In this work, we use the computing view sheds for terrain analysis. The viewshed’s characteristics may change based on the nature of terrain and the position of the viewpoint. We addressed a new topographic feature, the prickliness, that measures the number of local maxima in a terrain from all possible angles of view. During the evaluation we observed that the prickliness effectively captures the potential of terrains to have high complexity viewsheds. To do the statistical analysis, we prepared and published near-optimal algorithms to compute it for TIN terrains, and efficient approximate algorithms for raster DEMs. During the experimentation process, we found the validation of the usefulness of the prickliness attribute with experiments.
Keywords: Digital Elevation Model, Triangulated Irregular Network, Viewshed Complexity
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