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Journal of Information & Systems Management (JISM)

A Model to Study the Energy Balance and Energy System with Customized Software
Silvija Letskovska and Kamen Seymenliyski
Silvija Letskovska - Burgas Free University San Stefano 62 8000 Burgas, Bulgaria.,
Abstract: The energy production following strong system rules is required for supporting the energy balance. In the time of production, transport, transformation and consumption of energy the lows, methods and principles of technique are considered. In this paper, the authors have offered description of the energy system and the use of renewable energy system with the help of customized software.
Keywords: Energy System, Renewable Energy, Pv-system
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[1]Seymenliyski, K., Letskovska, S., Rahnev, P. (2012). The efficiency of tariff policy in Bulgarian energy system, Jubilee Conference – Ten years of the establishment of a National Military Institute, Veliko Tarnovo, 2012.
[2] Seymenliyski, K., St. Mollova, Rahnev, P. (2012). state of the tariff policy in power system in Bulgaria, ubilee Conference - Ten years of the establishment of a National Military Institute, Veliko Tarnovo, 2012.
[3] http://www.evn.bg/Medii
[4] http://re.jrc.ec.europa.eu/pvgis/
[5] http://www.motto-engineering.eu
[6] http://solarenterprise.bg
[7] http://elektronikabg.com

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