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Innovation in Psychological Health of College Students Under Various Stress Management Interventions
Shao Guohua
School of Physical Education Hunan Normal University Changsha, Hunan, 410000, China
Abstract: In recent years, with the continuous changes in social environment and educational models, college students are facing increasing pressure and mental health problems are gradually becoming prominent. To effectively address these issues, research on the mental health of college students based on multiple stress management intervention plans has become a topic of great concern. This article will introduce and evaluate the study. This study explores the effectiveness of numerous stress management intervention programs on the mental health of college students. By comparing the experimental group and the control group, the study found that numerous stress management interventions can improve the mental health level of college students, reduce negative emotions such as anxiety and depression, and improve self-efficacy. Specific intervention measures include cognitive reconstruction, emotional regulation, coping skills training, life planning, and other aspects. The research results are of great significance for improving the mental health level of college students and promoting their comprehensive development.
Keywords: Multi-way Stress Management Intervention Technology, Mental Health, Education, Research
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