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Scheduling Algorithm for the Efficient Management of Memory and Cache
Will Lunniss, Robert I. Davis and Sebastian Altmeyer
Department of Computer Science University of York, York, UK., Department of Computer Science University of York, York, UK
Abstract: In real-time multitasking systems, the scheduling algorithm is one of the most critical factors in meeting response time requirements while maximizing system resources. There are two popular scheduling algorithms: fixed priority (FP), which has been studied in detail before. Still, we haven’t compared them in the context of cache-related pre-emption (CRPD) delays. Memory and cache are divided into several blocks with instructions and stored data. When a task is pre-empted, cache blocks from that task can evict blocks from the preempted task. When the task is restarted, if it has to load those evicted blocks again, CRPD is introduced, which affects the task schedulability.
Keywords: Pre-Emption Delays, Scheduling Algorithms, Memory And Cache
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