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Journal of Information Security Research

Some Aspects of Communication Via Electronic Mail (E-mail)
Ivan Pogarcic, Marko Pogarcic, Ida Panev
Polytechnic of Rijeka, Business Department, Vukovarska 58, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia & MSc in Law, Law Novice, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia
Abstract: Electronic mail can be considered from several aspects. Nonetheless, electronic mail should be primarily observed as a form of human communication. The way it is being realized is less important. Since electronic mail is the human form of communication, it necessarily connotes specific forms of human behaviour. Each deformation of that behaviour should be observed through the prism of generally accepted social norms. While those norms reflect cultural, ethical and moral frames of some (specific) social community, they should be respected. In such circumstances, electronic mail communication’s participants can anticipate different situations. Some of those should be isolated, removed or sanctioned. The paper offers a comprehensive overview and treatments of different attempts of deceit using the email owned by one of the authors, within a time period of four years.
Keywords: E Mail, Short Communication, Social Communication, Human Communication Some Aspects of Communication Via Electronic Mail (E-mail)
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References:[1] Official Gazette 73/08, 90/11, 133/12, 80/13, 71/14; further referred to as LEC. [2] Pogarcic, I., Pogarcic, M. (2013). Some aspects of (attempted) fraud via e-mail. In Advances in Business management, 3rd Business Systems Laboratory International Symposium. Perugia, Book of abstracts, p 162. [3] Festinger, L. A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance. California: Stanford University Press. 1957. [4] Festinger, L. Cognitive dissonance. Scientific American 207 (4). p. 93–107. 1962. [5] Chambers, O. (2000). My Utmost for His Highest. Barbour Books, ISBN-13: 978-1577489146. [6] Pratt, D. D. (2005). Teaching. In L. M. English. International Encyclopedia of Adult Education. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. [7] Gans, H. (2003). Democracy and the news. Oxford University Press. 2003. [8] http://www.web.books.com/eLibrary/NC/B0/B58/052M B58.html, downloaded on 10.5.2015.

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