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Journal of Information Security Research

Data and Programming Security Issues in Fog Computing
Pranav Vyas, Dharmendra Patel
CMPICA, Charotar University of Science and Technology, Changa, Gujarat & India
Abstract: IOT devices suffer from the drawbacks of limited computational resources at local level. IOT devices are required to gather and process large quantity of data with limited resources. One solution is to upload data from IOT devices to cloud based systems, which can process data and send results back to devices. This technique suffers from delay in processing and results in delayed response from the cloud in real time scenarios. Another technique to solve the problem is to introduce a middleware processing node also called edge node. The processing of data from edge nodes is known as edge computing or fog computing. In this paper, the authors discuss the security aspects of fog computing. After careful study of related literature, the authors identified several challenges related to security of data processing at edge nodes. The authors identified challenges such as data security and programming related security. The authors present several solutions to the challenges.
Keywords: IOT, Fog Computing, Edge Computing, Security, Data Security, Programming Security, Data Encryption, Trust Establishment, No-sql Databases, Procedural Language, Markup Language Data and Programming Security Issues in Fog Computing
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