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Journal of Information Security Research

Forecasting Financial Risk using Quantum Neural Networks
Abdelali El Bouchti, Younes Tribis, Tarik Nahhal, Chafik Okar
FS, Hassan 2nd University, Casablanca, Morocco, Institute for Forecasting and Futuristics, FST, Hassan 1st University, Settat, Morocco & ENSA, Hassan 1st University, Berrechid, Morocco
Abstract: There has been enormous attention in quantum algorithms for reinforcing machine learning (ML) algorithms. In the current paper, we present quantum neural networks (QNNs) and a method of training which is well in quantum system and is improved with momentum accession and parameter self adaptive algorithm, and we build a new financial risk forecasting model. We apply this model to the empirical research on the financial risk forecasting of some Moroccan companies. Then we will compare the findings with the standard artificial neural network (ANNs).
Keywords: Financial Risk, Neural Networks, Quantum Computing, Artificial Neural Networks Forecasting Financial Risk using Quantum Neural Networks
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