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Journal of Information Security Research

Towards a Flexible Smart Firewall Ruler
Nambirajan M, Rajdev R, Santhosh R, Sharon Raja D, Hemalakshmi G R, Kanthimathi M
National Engineering College, K. R. Nagar, Kovilpatti, Tamil Nadu & India
Abstract: The current work aims in easy usage of firewall wizard. Default wizard requires number of parameters to set a rule but in case of smart firewall ruler the parameter will be automated by itself. The rules play a vital role in firewall. We can add or remove rules using smart firewall ruler.
Keywords: Firewall, Firewall Ruler, Wizard Towards a Flexible Smart Firewall Ruler
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[3] https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.net.dns.gethostaddresses?redirectedfrom=MSDN&view=netframework-
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[8] https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/netfw/nn-netfw-inetfwmgr
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[10] https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.io.filenotfoundexception?view=netframework-4.7.2

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