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Journal of Information Security Research

The Multidimensional Patterns of Linked Open Data
Dihia Lanasri, Selma Khouri, Roaya Saidoune, Kamila Boudoukha, Ladjel Bellatreche
ESI, Algiers, Algeria & LIAS/ISAE-ENSMA, Poitiers, France
Abstract: Data and information resources required for companies are norally available and are extracted from the internal information resources which are loaded in the dataware house of the companies. In the current society, the data that companies are looking for is no longer limited to the internal data but also incorporates the external sources including Linked Open Data. Normally these sources are composed of two components of dataset and data left behind the people while exploiting these data by SPARQL query logs. Considering the breadcrumbs in the process of DW construction represents a big challenge due to the volume, variety and the expertise of users who produce them. In this paper, we used Crumble Cube a comprehensive tool for identification multidimensional patterns from LOD breadcrumbs. It offers designers mechanisms to manage investigate and visualize these breadcrumbs before integrating them into a target data warehouse.
Keywords: Multidimensional Patterns, Linked Open Data, Open Data, Smart Data, Data Management The Multidimensional Patterns of Linked Open Data
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