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Journal of Information Security Research

Assurance on Data Integrity in Cloud Data Centre Using PKI Built RDIC Method
Arulkumar Venkatachalam, N Balaji
SSN College of Engineering Kalavakkam. India
Abstract: A great deal of advances in innovation has offered fame to Cloud computing. It has turned into the most every now and again use answer for undertakings that need to focus on their data transactions and bit less worry on their infrastructures. Yet at the same time a few enterprises are not utilizing cloud facilities. The studies delights that security threats are the motivation behind why cloud computing isn’t utilized as a specified goal. Cloud ventures questions security threats of the cloud. There are various kinds of security challenges for Cloud infrastructure. Such threats are identified as confidentiality, integrity, availability, accountability and privacy. In this work, we focus on the information integrity as characteristic of security. Since, in the wake of putting away information to cloud, client doesn’t have even an inkling where the information is put away. The client’s information should be put away in verified way. Hence, the proposed method PKI based RDIC concept to ensure the correctness of stored in cloud with the help of third party verifier.
Keywords: Cloud Security, Data Integrity, Public Key Infrastructure Assurance on Data Integrity in Cloud Data Centre Using PKI Built RDIC Method
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