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Journal of Information Security Research

Trusted Execution Technology (TEE) in a Secure Execution Environment for IoT
Jawad Ali, Ahmad Sharadz Khalid, Eiad Ya, Shahrulniza Musa, Waqas Ahmed
Malaysian Institute of Information Technology, Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia & UniKL Business School, Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Abstract: In the last couple of years, the Internet of Things (IoT) is found to have increasing applications. The IoT components include smart-devices which communicate and exchange the information without the physical intervention of humans. The growth of newer models of IoT and their systems lead the devices more vulnerable and prone to a severe kind of threats. This current study has introduced a new system capturing and verification procedures in Blockchain supported smartIoT systems that can show the trust-level confidence to outside networks. This work has a Behavior Monitor and get implemented on a selected node that can extract the activity of each device and analyzes the behavior using deep machine learning strategy. In addition, we use Trusted Execution Technology (TEE) which can provide a secure execution environment (enclave) for sensitive application code and data on blockchain. To prove the proposed model, we analyze various IoT devices data that is infected by attacks. Experimental findings prove the ability of our proposed method in terms of accuracy and time required for detection.
Keywords: Security, Privacy, IOT, Blockchain, Trust, Behavior, Neural Network Trusted Execution Technology (TEE) in a Secure Execution Environment for IoT
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