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Journal of Information Security Research

Analyzing Throughput for Cyber-Physical Systems modeled with Synchronous Dataflow
Philippe Glanon, Selma Azaiez, Chokri Mraidha
CEA-LIST Saclay, Gif-sur-yvette & France
Abstract: Time is the essence of the cyber-physical system which determines the efficiency of a system. While designing the Cyber Physical Systems, the performance indicator, the Throughput is used. When analyzing throughput reachable by a CPS at design-time implies to optimize the behaviour of the system in such a way that it may run with an optimal frequency. The synchronous dataflow graphs can be used as a formal model of computation that fosters the analysis of systems where performance is always prominent. We in this current work describe the throughput estimation for CPS applications modeled with the SDFGs. For assessing the optimal throughput reachable by a CPS application, we use SDFGs to describe computations and communications in the CPS application and we propose a mathematical formulation of scheduling and mapping decisions in order to deploy the behavioural model of the CPS onto a platform, which essentially consists of heterogeneous and distributed resources.
Keywords: Cyber Physical System, Throughput, Synchronous Dataflow Analyzing Throughput for Cyber-Physical Systems modeled with Synchronous Dataflow
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