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The Impact of Syntax Trees and Semantic Issues on the Source Code of the Plagiarism Detection Tools
Darko Puflovic, Milena Frtunic Gligorijevic, Leonid Stoimenov, Darko Puflovic
University of Niš Aleksandra Medvedeva 14, Niš, 18000 Serbia
Abstract: Plagiarism detection is a major exercise in the academic environment for which several tools are deployed. They rely on proper source code and some time, the source code is modified to hide copying. In these cases, the results are distorting. We in this work have used syntactical and semantic aspects of the code to do pre-processing activities. Next, we process the abstract syntax trees to find the correct volume of the location of the plagiarized code.
Keywords: Plagiarism Detection, Source Code, Abstract Syntax Trees, Intermediate Language, N-gram The Impact of Syntax Trees and Semantic Issues on the Source Code of the Plagiarism Detection Tools
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