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Journal of Information Security Research

A Framework for Interfaces of Trust and Security in the Mobile Edge Computing
Evelina Pencheva, Ivaylo Atanasov, Pencho Kolev, Miroslav Slavov
Technical University of Sofia 8 Kl. Ohridski Blvd, Sofia 1000 Bulgaria., Technical University of Gabrovo 4 Hadji Dimitar Gabrovo 5300, Bulgaria {pkpen@tugab.bg; miroslav)slavov@gmail.com}
Abstract: In order to enhance the network flexibility and decrease the time to market new services, mobile edge computing has been developed. In this area, cloud capabilities are increased in the radio networks. We have developed a framework of web service for trust and security management. The new web service permit MEC application registration and finding new services and initiating service agreement and also to control the internal load management.
Keywords: Mobile Edge Computing, Infrastructure Services, Web Services, Service Oriented Architecture, Authentication A Framework for Interfaces of Trust and Security in the Mobile Edge Computing
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