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Journal of Information Security Research

An Analysis of Security and Trust Issues in E-Commerce
Javed R.Shaikh., Sachin D Babar., Georgi Iliev
Faculty of Telecommunications at Technical University of Sofia 8 Kl. Ohridski Blvd, Sofia 1000 Bulgaria., STES Sinhgad Institute of Technology Lonavala, Pune, India., 8 Kl. Ohridski Blvd, Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
Abstract: We are living in a web dependant world where all activities are carried out only in online formats. Ecommerce is growing rapidly where all business transactions are done. Due to reduced cost, time and personalized features, online purchases are increasing. In E-commerce activities, clients get real experience. At the same time in some instances security and trust is compromised. Three issues impact the customers in the selection of E-Commerce which include clients’ attitude on transaction systems, security and the trust in the reliance of online products. The information relating to individuals should be safe guarded. Everyday many security issues get cropped and in this work we reviewed the literature on E-Commerce and the solutions for the E-Commerce security issues.
Keywords: E-commerce, Security of E-commerce Network, Privacy, Trust, Security Solutions An Analysis of Security and Trust Issues in E-Commerce
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