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Journal of Information Security Research

A Study of the Video Watermarking Against Geometric Attacks
Zoran Velièkovic, Zoran Milivojevic, Marko Velièkovic
College of Applied Technical Sciences Nis, Serbia, A. Medvedeva 20, 18000 Niš Serbia
Abstract: Geometric malicious attacks happen the damage the original video content and hence to protect the video content, the GMSAT algorithms are developed. These algorithms make the watermark extraction not to work which will hinder copyrights. We in this work study the geometric attacks that happen by cropping the video frames. During experimentation we found that the algorithm shown good results which can be used to protect the video content in the online medium.
Keywords: Generalized Multistage Arnold Transformation, Watermarking, Geometric Attacks A Study of the Video Watermarking Against Geometric Attacks
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