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The Outage Capacity Evaluation of Wireless Communication Channel
Jelena A Anastasov, Aleksandra M Cvetkovic, Daniela M Milovic, Dejan N Milic
University of Niš Aleksandra Medvedeva 14 18000 Nis, Serbia
Abstract: We have presented the outage capacity evaluation of wireless communication channel, in the fading and shadowing phenomena. The capacity analysis over gamma shadowed Weibull fading channel is presented. In addition to ergodic capacity examination, the outage capacity appropriate as a metric of channel with slow signal intensity fluctuations is observed. The case of possible random blockage on the transmission path, taking into consideration both capacity metrics, is also analysed. We did the experimentation and presented the derived analytical expressions, which shown and influence of various performance parameters on outage capacity.
Keywords: Ergodic Capacity, Generalized Fading Channel, Outage Capacity, Random Blockage The Outage Capacity Evaluation of Wireless Communication Channel
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