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Journal of Information Security Research

A Study of the Exponential Functions, Combinatorial Problems and the Generalizations Issues
Predrag Rajkovi, Slaana Marinkovi, Miomir Stankovi
University of Niš, Serbia, Aleksandra Medvedeva 14, Niš., University of Niš, Serbia, A. Medvedeva 12, Niš., Mathematical Institute SASA, Belgrade, Serbia
Abstract: For many years the concept exponential function has been a subject for interpretations, extensions and applications. Like the various types of orthogonal polynomials. In this paper we have highlighted the importance of the combinatorial problems. One such type is the Motzkin paths with provide positive weightage paths. We have discussed the continued fractions, the moments of the functions and generalizations of the exponential function. These discussions form an important of information security issues.
Keywords: Paths, Combinatorics, Exponential Functions, Orthogonal Polynomials A Study of the Exponential Functions, Combinatorial Problems and the Generalizations Issues
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