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Journal of Information Security Research

Security Sensor System for Unmanned Aerial System
Krume Andreev and Rumen Arnaudov
Faculty of Telecommunications at Technical University of Sofia 8 Kl. Ohridski Blvd Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
Abstract: Extensive progress has been reported in the unmanned aerial systems recently. Soliciting data and required information from many points is somewhat complex for which we have employed operators and technicians. In the current work, we have to ensure the efficiency of the current plan and offset the varied environmental conditions, we used secured sensor system for in-vehicle implementation. We have analysed the different features of the proposed system. We have developed architecture of the flight control system for unmanned aerial vehicle systems. During testing we found that this model can identify and find failures and violations of safety or performance rules.
Keywords: UAS, Unmanned Aerial Systems, Flight Safety, Sensor System Security Sensor System for Unmanned Aerial System
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