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Journal of Information Security Research

A Framework of Expert System for Mitigating Financial Frauds and Cybercrimes
George Popov, Peter Yovchev and Alexander Balevsky
Faculty of Computer Science at Technical University of Sofia 8 Kl. Ohridski Blvd, Sofia 1000 Bulgaria
Abstract: To prevent the financial fraud, and money motive offenses, we have introduced an expert system. Many earlier researchers also have developed such models and practicing it. We in this work, have described some issues relating to the current problem and proposed a common country-specific approach for developing an expert system. We expect good impact of the proposed security model for financial frauds and cybercrimes.
Keywords: Contraband, Expert System, Tax System, Smuggling, Financial Fraud A Framework of Expert System for Mitigating Financial Frauds and Cybercrimes
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[1] The ACFE’s 2012 Report to the Nations on Occupational Fraud and Abuse, www.acfe.com
[2] Bezlov, T., Gounev, P., Petrunov, G., Tzenkov, E., Tzvetkova, M. (2007). Organised Crime in Bulgaria: Markets and Trends. Sofia: Center for the Study of Democracy.
[3] Open Society Institute Bulgaria: Schengen: Effects for Bulgaria, Sofia, 2008, ISBN 978-954-9828-63-4 (translated form Bulgarian language)
[4] Popov, G., Dokov, Ia. (2014). Automated Expert System for Prevention of Custom Violations, Challenges in Higher Education & Research, vol. 12, Heron Press, Sofia.

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