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Journal of Information Security Research

Embedding Autonomic Structure to Reduce Cost in the Machine-to-machine Communication
Ivaylo Atanasov, Anastas Nikolov and Evelina Pencheva
Faculty of Telecommunications at Technical University of Sofia 8 Kl. Ohridski Blvd Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
Abstract: In network operations, the Machine-to-Machine application is a big issue and the large amount of diverse connected devices which interact with the environment without human intervention. The process of embedding autonomic features in M2M system will lead to reduce the operational cost. In the work, we have developed a system for autonomous agent for connectivity management of M2M devices. The agent observes connectivity parameters of the device and based on operator policies determines the best bearer that has to be used by the device. Temporal logic is used to formalize the agent activities.
Keywords: Remote Device Management, Network Bearer Control, Autonomic Behaviour, Temporal Logic Embedding Autonomic Structure to Reduce Cost in the Machine-to-machine Communication
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