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Journal of Digital Information Management (JDIM)
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Journal of Information Security Research

Information Risks in Power System Distribution
Nevenka Kiteva Rogleva, Vladimir Trajkovik, Vangel Fustik, Atanas Iliev, Dimitar Dimitrov
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies, University Ss.Ciril and Methodius, Skopje, Macedonia., Faculty of Commuter Science and Engineering, University Ss.Ciril and Methodius, Skopje
Abstract: Information related risks exist in power systems and it is visible in system disruption and high voltage conditions. We provide a method to reduce the risk associated to prevent interception. The tasks involve the analysis of energy systems, and detect risk event quantification. We use in this paper the web services of the Service oriented architecture for system planning. This planning requires database identification and ultimately identify the risks in the energy systems.
Keywords: Risk Management, Risk Assessment, Transmission Power System, Web Services, SOA Information Risks in Power System Distribution
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