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Journal of Information Security Research

Review of Bug Identification to Ensure Secure Software Platforms
Pano Gushev, Ana Guseva, Sasko Ristov and Marjan Gusev
nnovation Dooel, Vostanichka 118-18, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia from 2008., Innovation Dooel, Vostanichka 118-18, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia from 2012., Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering from 2010 Rugjer Boshkovik 16, PO Box 393, 1000 Skopje, Macedoni
Abstract: The programs are developed to detect the bugs while software development to detect the software related bugs. The reactions proposed are normally based on self-hosing environment nad problem dependent. Thus a software developer can introduce the new server version while software development process. The implementation and demand usage with central access is possible using a cloud-based solution with a proper environment. Whenever a new server is introduced it is distributed to all clients. The cloud- based bug reporting has potential and hence we review all such developments in this work.
Keywords: Bug Reporting, Ticket tracking, Issue tracking, Software Engineering, Cloud computing, Software as a Service Review of Bug Identification to Ensure Secure Software Platforms
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