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Journal of Digital Information Management (JDIM)
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Journal of Information Security Research

Computationally Intensive Web Service Hosing in the Commercial Virtual Environment
Goran Velkoski, Sasko Ristov and Marjan Gusev
Faculty of Computer Sciences and Engineering 16 Rugjer Boshkovikj, Skopje Macedonia
Abstract: The web service functions largely rely on virtualization techniques and we conducted experiments in this paper. We initially took two samples for testing the commercial virtual environment. The first one consists memory demand and the second is computationally intensive. We employ the testing system with many compartments which consists of host and guest used to transfer web resources among themselves. The purpose of this effort is to document the drawbacks so as to ensure less virtualization.
Keywords: Virtualization, Apache Tomcat, Windows, JAVA Computationally Intensive Web Service Hosing in the Commercial Virtual Environment
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