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Journal of Digital Information Management (JDIM)
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Journal of Information Security Research

Secured Communications for Networks with Configuration and Topology
Viša Tasic, Dragan R.Milivojevic, Vladimir Despotovic, Darko Brodic, Marijana Pavlov, Ivana Stojkovic
Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Department of Industrial Informatics, Zeleni bulevar 35, 19210 Bor, Serbia., Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Department of Industrial Informatics Zeleni bulevar 35. 19210 Bor, Serbia., 3University of Belgrade Techn
Abstract: We studied the communication between nodes in the industrial networks in the field of copper mining. The industrial computer networks are used to observe the control of production process. With the help of the Programmable Logic Controller, we have collected the required data. The control network has two nodes. One is PLC and workstation which is used for visualization and interaction. We have introduced secure solutions for networks and also for the proper configuration and topology of the industrial networks.
Keywords: Communications, Control System, Industrial Network, Monitoring Secured Communications for Networks with Configuration and Topology
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[1] Tasic, V., Miloševic, N., Kovacevic, R. & Petrovic, N. (2010) Analysis of air pollution caused by particle matter emission from the copper smelter complex Bor (Serbia). Chemical Industry and Chemical Engineering Quarterly, 16, 219–228 [DOI: 10.2298/ CICEQ090909011T].
[2] Radojkovic, M., Milivojevic, D., Jojic-Blagojevic, G. & Cajic, M. System for monitoring and control of electrical energy consumption in RTB bor. Proceedings of the VII Scientific Convention on Microcomputers in Process Control Systems, MIPRO’88. Rijeka, Croatia, 18-20.05.1988, pp. 5–31 – 5-35.
[3] Tasic, V., Despotovic, V., Brodic, D., Pavlov, M. & Milivojevic, D. (2013) “Twenty years of monitoring and control of electricity consumption in RTB Bor, Serbia,” accepted for presentation on MIPRO - 36th International Convention, Opatia, Croatia.
[4] Milivojevic, D., Radojkovic, M. & Jojic Blagojevic, G., Dj (1990) Simon, S. Lalovic. In: Communication Subsystem of DSKP Systems. Proceedings of the XIV International Conference of Information Technology, Bk. 1, pp. 173.1–173.5, Sarajevo- Jahorina, BiH.
[5] Milivojevic, D.R. & Tasic, V. (2007) MMS in real industrial network. Information Technology and Control, 36, 318–322.

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