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Journal of Information Security Research

Achieving Interoperability and Security in the Train-platform Interfaces
Kalin Mirchev and Denitsa Kireva-Mihova
Kalin Mirchev is with Tinsa EOOD, 3A Nikolay Haytov Str Sofia 1113, Bulgaria., Dnitsa Kireva-Mihova is with the Faculty of Telecommunications at Technical University of Sofia, 8 Kl. Ohridski Blvd, Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
Abstract: A well-designed interface between trains and platform systems ensures the interoperability and security of the systems. In Europe, inconsistencies in security aspects exist, and they need to be identified and controlled. In this work, we addressed the security issues to ensure smooth functioning.
Keywords: Safety, Interoperability, Platform-train Interface Achieving Interoperability and Security in the Train-platform Interfaces
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[2] Railway Safety Directive (2004/49). European Community.
[3] Railway Interoperability Directive (2008/57). European Community.
[4] Regulation (EU) No 1299/2014 of 18 November 2014 on the Technical Specifications for Interoperability Relating to The ‘Infrastructure’ Subsystem of the Rail System in the European Union.
[5] Regulation (EU)! (1300/2014) on the technical specifications for interoperability relating to accessibility of the Union’s rail system for persons with disabilities and persons with reduced mobility.
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[13] An Introduction to the Platform Train Interface Risk Assessment Tool, RSSB (2016).
[14] https://www.ebp.ch/de/pdf/generate/node/893.

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