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Vaccination and Health Education in Morocco Concept Map Survey of Students’ Representations of Immune Memory
Nourdine Elmazouni, Malika Tridane, Said Belaaouad
Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Materials LCPM, Ben M’Sik Faculty of Sciences Driss El Harti. Hassan II University of Casablanca, Morocco, Regional Center for Education and Training Casablanca Anfa, Morocco 3National Center of Pedagogical Innovation
Abstract: In Morocco, the National Immunization Program (NIP) is a priority for the Ministry of Health. Due to the anti-vaccines movement, the government focused on the sensibilisation of the children that are the future citizens. Immunology became a part of the 3rd year of middle school program, which has a health education perspective. This innovation poses problems to teachers. Aim of Study: To design a didactic strategy related to the teaching of immunology (concept immune memory), it should integrate the program of the regional centers of the Professions of the Education and training, to overcome the difficulties that could be faced while teaching it to students. Methods of Work: The target population is students in the 3rd year of middle school education. For collecting students’ conceptions: the first step is to make a questionnaire about a combination of problem-situations based on a variety of reference social practices using the notion of vaccine. The second one is to interview some of the students about immunology, and the last step is the construction of concept maps using the students’ answers. These concept maps were compared to a reference concept map that had been built and validated by some inspectors and trainers of LES. Results: The students’ conceptions on Immune memory are categorized in three categories: - First category: The Pasteur model of the disease; - Second Category: the military-warrior model; - Third Category : the cognitive model. The cognitive structure for the immunology of the majority of the respondents is relatively poor compared to the concept reference map. Even if they had a course of immunology, the erroneous conceptions weren’t corrected. Conclusion: The design of a didactic strategy should be based on: - A historical-epistemological analysis of the conceptual development of immunology; - A presentation of the status of immunology in the Moroccan programs of the SLE in the middle school and a brief overview of the difficulties inherent in the teaching method; The awareness of the teacher of the difficulties that can be faced while teaching immunology. - Highlighting students’ erroneous conceptions in order to correct them to reach a conceptual change.
Keywords: Health Education, Immune Memory, History of Science, Misconceptions, Concept Map, Epistemological Barriers Vaccination and Health Education in Morocco Concept Map Survey of Students’ Representations of Immune Memory
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