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Literature Survey of the Domain ‘Degrowth’ using Publications in the Domain
Enrique Javier Díez-Gutiérrez, José María Díaz-Nafría
Universidad de León, León, Spain & Madrid Open University, Madrid, Spain
Abstract: This study has used a literature survey method to analyse the publication output in the fields of degrowth pedagogy. This domain is concerned with the fundamental approaches posed to survive in a world of limited resources and to face the profound causes of the current crisis. In this work, we have analysed a small dataset of 88 papers which addressed the domain ‘degrowth’ published during the period 2006 to 2019. This dataset includes 41 proposals, and contain 14 publications on education. The results lead to understand that there is an imperative need to change economic and environmental policies, but also mentalities. We further conclude that there is an alternative model of eco social future in the unique world we have. The education and the school, as discussed in the paper, has a fundamental role to play in the direction.
Keywords: Degrowth, Ecological Sustainability, Emancipatory Educational Research, Environmental Education, Critical Pedagogy Literature Survey of the Domain ‘Degrowth’ using Publications in the Domain
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