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Colonoscopy Image Processing using the Structural Entropy
Szilvia Nagy, Brigita Sziová, Levente Solecki and László T. Kóczy
Széchenyi István University H-9026 GyQr Egyetem tér 1, Hungary
Abstract: The fine surface of the bowel and the colorectal polyps reflect the colonoscopy images. This is analogous to the case of combustion engine surface scans, where the grooving and wear can be detected from the fine pattern superposed to a cylinder curvature. While comparing we can found that the colonoscopy images and to have many reflections, whereas the roughness scanners detect small dust particles and well as the vibrations from the environment. We bring a model in this work to take care of both the problems using histogram stretching together with a special type of filtering. Besides we have used the masks to control the effect of the operators. In the testing we have measured the effects of the processing steps on the structural entropy of the image because the structural entropies are used in characterization of the images.
Keywords: Colonoscopy, Roughness, Background Subtraction, Reflection, Outliers, Entropy Colonoscopy Image Processing using the Structural Entropy
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