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Journal of Networking Technology

Use of GPS Data and Visual Summaries for Traffic Planning
Bram Custers, Wouter Meulemans, Bettina Speckmann, Kevin Verbeek
Eindhoven University of Technology The Netherlands
Abstract: In the road networks, the GPS data provide valuable traffic data for planning. In this process, more volume of data is impactful that provide challenges while observing significant features. The GPS and the road network can be integrated to arrive a viable solution and generating visual summaries. Now we outlined acoordinated fully-automated pipeline for computing a schematic overview of mobility patterns from a collection of trajectories on a street network. The proposed framework used the known building blocks from GIS, automated cartography, and trajectory analysis: map matching, road selection, schematization, movement patterns, and metro-map style rendering. The propositions are experimented by subjecting two cities where the real-world data is used to assess the pattern.
Keywords: Trajectories, Visualization, Schematization Use of GPS Data and Visual Summaries for Traffic Planning
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