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Evaluation of Library Websites of IITs in India based on Kano’s Model - A Preliminary Study
P K Jain, R K Verma, Debal C Kar, N K Wadhwa, Sanjeev Kumar Verma
Institute of Economic Growth, New Delhi, India; CSIR-NISCAIR, New Delhi, India; Ambedkar University, Delhi, India; CSIR-NPL, New Delhi, India; Meera Bai Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India
Abstract: The quality of library websites of IITs in India have been assessed by using three main categories viz. ‘E- Resources’, ‘Services’, and ‘Web-centric’ aspects. The study extends Kano’s model to LIS application area at micro level by visualizing three quality levels within a particular information category covering various features. ‘E-resources’ include sub categories like e-books, e-journals, e-thesis, and online databases etc., ‘Services’ contain SDI, OPAC, Document delivery/ Interlibrary loan etc., and ‘Web-centric’ aspects include aesthetic appearance of home page, content presentation, ease of use, search process in websites and other navigational aspects etc. The objectives of the study are to systematically examine the library websites features of IITs based on Kano’s Model, and to assess the quality level of Library websites of IITs based on scores obtained by specific features presence as checkpoints. The findings reveal that Mumbai tops the list with 1st rank (40 scores) followed by Delhi (32), Gandhinagar (32) with 2nd rank each, and Bhubaneswar (28) and Kanpur (28) with 3rd rank. The trailing IITs pertain to Guwahati, Ropar, Mandi, and Roorkee. The lowest rank i.e. 10th is shared by Indore. Category wise analysis of overall score of all IITs indicate that although the ‘e-Resources are rich and ‘Web-centric aspect’ features are well planned and established, yet there seems to be a lack of provision of effective ‘Services’ while accessing the desired services features. It is concluded that the findings of this study would be useful to the web designers and Library & Information science professionals who need to be aware about the implications of the quality features characteristics.
Keywords: Website Features, Quality Assessment, IIT, E-resources, E-services, Web-centric Aspects, Library Websites Evaluation of Library Websites of IITs in India based on Kano’s Model - A Preliminary Study
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