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Digital Reference Services and Search Engines in S & T Information Environment: An Experience from India
Shiva Kanaujia; Uma Pandey, Preetika Tripathi; Shipra Awasthi
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Central Library, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi (India); Integral University, Lucknow (India)
Abstract: Traditional libraries have shifted to library automation, electronic resources and digital services. This transi- tion has long time history and going on gradually. Thus modern libraries have become a symbol to highlight the digital counterpart of the traditional libraries. The advancement of digital libraries is not linear process, but it is contribution of many disciplines. In this era, digital libraries have become complex networked systems, which support communication as well as collaboration among different world wide spread communities containing “digital objects” and digital counterpart of printed documents, images, videos, programs, multimedia objects, etc. The libraries having digital resources have emphasis on digital reference service, which is most personalized kind of service, based on one-to-one interaction between library staff and user. The technological support being induced in reference services have been pivotal for digital reference services. The “Digital reference service”, known as “Virtual reference service” is being offered to users in modern libraries. The various discussions on the digital reference services, various mechanisms and methods have been strengthening the concept of ‘Digital Reference Services’ along with the use of search engines and other techniques in libraries such as modes of providing with the focus on use and popularity of digital reference services; and role of search engines that changes the core areas of science and technology libraries. In this context, a case study of Indian Institute of Petroleum (IIP, Dehradun, India) Knowledge Resource Center, library has been presented. The Library has unique collection for special users and to fulfill the information needs of the scientists and researchers in the core area (Petroleum and Refining) of their research felids. Scientists and Researchers using search engines for their scholarly and study work. For this they excessively rely on search engines. The scientists and researchers IIP are aware of various aspects such as the confidentiality and scientific audacity of information accessible on search engines. This IIP knowledge resource center has adopted innovative approaches to enhance the services towards users’ requirements by providing specialized resources and services by means of digital reference sources and search engines. This mechanism supports the achievement in the current attentiveness towards their fields.
Keywords: Digital Reference Service, Digital Library, Virtual Reference Service, Search Engines, IIP Digital Reference Services and Search Engines in S & T Information Environment: An Experience from India
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