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A Quantitative Study on the Indo-Thai Collaborative Research Trend of 20 years (1999-2018)
Deepjyoti Kalita
Department of Library and Information Science, Gauhati University
Abstract: Being two prominent emerging economies of Asia, there have been some policy development from both Indian and Thailand government regarding research collaboration with the countries of South East Asian Nations. An evaluative study about the scientific collaboration between India and Thailand is essential to know the core strength and weaknesses of Indo-Thai collaborative research prospects. The current study makes a scientometrics assessment of Indo-Thai collaborative research from 1999 to 2018 and compares the collaboration growth with Indo-USA and Thai-USA collabo-ration of the same period based on Web of Science data. In the studied period, Indo-Thai collaboration has been growing at a greater rate than Indo-USA and Thai-USA collaboration, indicating the positive impact of Govt. policies. This trend is found to continue until 2030 with the forecasted data based on 20 years’ records with the visible declining trend in Thai- USA collaboration scenario. Further top institutions from both countries in the high cited Indo- Thai collaborative research was listed out. The high cited articles often had multi-country collaboration where Indian and Thai institutions actively partici-pated. USA is the top country that had a strong presence in the highly cited Indo-Thai collaborated papers. Keyword analysis of the high cited research articles reveals domains of health science, Physics, Particle property studies being prominent research areas of scientific collaboration between India and Thailand.
Keywords: Scientometrics, Scientific Collaboration, India, Thailand, Keyword Analysis A Quantitative Study on the Indo-Thai Collaborative Research Trend of 20 years (1999-2018)
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