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Mendeley Readership Counts: An investigation of DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology
Lambodara Parabhoi, Manoj Kumar Verma
Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Rashtrapati Nivas Shimla-171005, India., Mizoram University Aizawl-796004, India
Abstract: Mendeley is a citation management tool and widely used by academics, educators and librarians around the world. It gives early impact data in relation to an individual academic’s work, rather than citation data. The study reported in this paper aimed to investigate and characterize the presence of DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology articles in Mendeley. Data were exported from Mendeley using Webometric Analyst software. A total 391 articles were found with total 6132 readership count.The results show that student and librarian groups are primary readers of the publications as compared to faculty, researchers, and other reader groups. There is a 0.3217 correlation between Scopus citations with Mendeley readers. It was also noted that all the 391 articles has at least one reader.
Keywords: Altmetrics, DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, Mendeley Readership, Readership Mendeley Readership Counts: An investigation of DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology
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