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An Analysis Model to Characterize the Talent Group Composition of Research Institute
Jing Xu, Lina Wang
Chengdu Library and Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences Chengdu, 610041., University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing, 100049
Abstract: Carrying out study on talent group composition can help us insight its present situation, and discover its potential problem, such as population aging, knowledge flow barrier, inbreeding, etc. An analysis model is proposed to characterize the talent group composition of research institute in three dimensions: age distribution, education experiences and collaboration pattern. Moreover, the analysis is based on objective data, and objective indicators. Age distribution may reflect the population aging problem whether or not; education experiences may reflect the in breeding problems; while collaboration pattern may reflect the knowledge flow problems. According to the indicator of each dimension, research institutes are divided into different types, the classification reveals different problems they may have. At last, an empirical study was conducted on two research institutes to prove the effectiveness of this model.
Keywords: Research Institute, Talent Group Composition, Age Distribution, Education Experiences, Collaboration Pattern An Analysis Model to Characterize the Talent Group Composition of Research Institute
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