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Visualizing and Analyzing the Intellectual structure of IBS Disease based on Co-word and Co-authorship Network Analysis
Mahdieyh Khazanehha, Farideh Osareh, Hossein Karegar-Borzi
Student in Library and Information Science of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Iran., Professor in Library and Information Science and Director of KM Excellence Center of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Iran., Assistant Professor of Traditional Me
Abstract: Background: Irritable bowel syndrome is a functional gastrointestinal disorder characterized by changes in bowel habits and abdominal pain without any organic cause. The process of disseminating knowledge among the science and specialized fields of knowledge is one of the major issues affecting the optimal development of knowledge in each field. Moreover, the understanding of the Infrastructure is necessary and influential to form specialized knowledge. Aims: This study aims to analyze the articles regarding IBS disease based on the concepts of co-occurrence network analysis and centrality indicators published in Clarivate Analytics WoS1 during 1983-2017. Methods: This is a descriptive study, using Scientometric techniques. Its statistical population contains all clinical trials related to IBS disease in Clarivate Analytics WoS during 1983-2017. Results: The scientific research on IBS disease starts in 2014. Based on the scientific map of countries, IBS disease has been active in some countries including Australia, Scotland, Austria, Poland, Ireland, Hungary, and England. USA and China have also been active in research on this disease from 2015. The top authors in IBS field in Clarivate Analytics WoS during 1989- 2017 are Siemren, Mayer, Camillier, Tornblom and Santos. Conclusions: The analysis of IBS disease also showed that based on co-word analysis there are 11 clusters. Among those clusters, 1 is the largest and related to diarrhea-predominant IBS (IBS-D). Other clusters are IBS- related stress, disruption of intestinal flora, bacteria, secretion of endocrine cells, infection with Blastocystis, gastrointestinal disorders under the effects of brain damage, genetic effects, melatonin, and the role of probiotics which play an important role in the emergence of various types of IBS.
Keywords: IBS Disease, Scientometric Methods, Visualizing the Structure of IBS Disease, IBS Co-author Analysis, IBS Coword Analysis Visualizing and Analyzing the Intellectual structure of IBS Disease based on Co-word and Co-authorship Network Analysis
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