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Authorship and Collaboration Pattern on Jaundice Research Published by SAARC Countries During 1999-2018: A Scientometric Analysis
Saumen Das, Mithu Anjali Gayan, Manoj Kumar Verma
Department of Library and Information Science, Mizoram University, Aizawl, India & Department of Library and Information Science Tripura University, Agartala, India & Department of Library and Information Science, Mizoram University, Aizawl-796004, India
Abstract: The present study is a scientometric study of the topic “Jaundice” literature published by SAARC countries from the year 1999 to 2003. The main aim of the study is to show the authorship and collaboration pattern by using different scientometric tools. For the purpose of the study Web of Science database was used to collect bibliographic data. A total of 1048 papers was found. Indicators such as Degree of collaboration, Collaborative Index, Modified collaborative co-efficient, Collaboration co-efficient and Activity Index are applied to the collected data. From the study, it was found that a total of 1027 (98%) publications was published in co-authorship whereas only 21(2%) in single authorship. The highest collaborative effort has been observed among the single authors (146.78). Multipleauthored papers were found to receive more citations than that of single-authored papers.
Keywords: Scientometric, Bibliometric, Authorship pattern, Jaundice, Activity Index, Modified Collaborative co-efficient Authorship and Collaboration Pattern on Jaundice Research Published by SAARC Countries During 1999-2018: A Scientometric Analysis
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