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Dominance Factor Analysis for Collaboration and Productivity of Authors
Sudhir Kumar, Shilpa Dhoble, Leena Shah
Vikram University, Ujjain (M. P.), India., Govt. Kalidas Girls P. G. College Ujjain (M.P), India
Abstract: Discuss author’s newly developed formula of Dominance Factor (DF).It is proportion of number of multi-authored papers as first author to his/her total number of multi- authored papers. Test formula on Ph.D. Dissertation. First one analyses 3875 Indian Contributions out of 13394 from world on groundnut. Find values of Degree of Collaborations (DC) and Collaboration Index (CI) 0.93 and 3.55. Calculate Dominance Factor values of 9 prolific authors. Also analyses 3588 Indian contributions out of 35075 from world on mustered and rapeseeds research. Find DC & CI values are 0.92 and 3.89. Calculate DF values of 22 prolific authors. Third study is on Soyabean which analyses 4067. Indian contributions out of 34032 from world publications. Find values of DC and CI values 0.917 and 3.16. Calculate DF values of 19 prolific authors. Result shows 76% prolific authors have low dominance values.
Keywords: Dominance Factor, Bibliometrics Study, Groundnut, Mustard, Research Dominance Factor Analysis for Collaboration and Productivity of Authors
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