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Bibliometric Analysis of Content Analysis of Contributions to Indian Sociology (2009- 2018)
Dinesh Kumar, Deepa Singhal, Ratna Sharma
Ambedkar University Delhi, New Delhi, India., Centre for Women’s Development Studies New Delhi, India
Abstract: This study aims to present a bibliometric analysis of the research articles published in Contribution to Indian Sociology journal from 2009 to 2018. The paper analyses a bibliometric study of 140 research articles published from February 2009 to October 2018. This study mainly includes Year-wise distribution of articles, Subject coverage of articles, Authorship pattern, Gender wise distribution of authors, Ranking of leading contributors, Geographical distribution of contributors, etc. It focuses on the merits and weaknesses of the journal, which will be helpful for further development.
Keywords: Content Analysis, Bibliometric Analysis, Indian Sociology Literature Bibliometric Analysis of Content Analysis of Contributions to Indian Sociology (2009- 2018)
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