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Scholarly Publications on Information Literacy (1989-2020): A Bibliometric Study
Ch. Ibohal Singh, Gyanajeet Yumnam
Associate Professor and Head Department of Library and Information Science, Manipur University, Canchipur, Imphal- 795 003, Manipur (India)., Research Scholar Department of Library and Information Science, Manipur University, Canchipur, Imphal- 795 003, M
Abstract: Information Literacy is one of the focus areas of research conducted by researchers from different crosssections of disciplines. The present bibliometric study conducted based on scholarly communications on the subject within 31 years during 1989-2020 has revealed many clues. For the study, from the Web of Science database, bibliometrix R-package Biblioshiny and VOSviewer could generate 1764 documents from different 357 sources having a total of 35558 references. The study’s findings indicate that 2016 is the most contributing year for Information Literacy related publications. The USA tops in the aspects of most productive country and most cited country of the publication. At the same time, M. Pinto is found to contribute a maximum of 37 publications. Of the top 20 scholarly journals, ‘Journal of Academic Librarianship’ is the highest in communicating such articles with 166 numbers.
Keywords: Information Literacy, Scholarly Communications, Bibliometrics, Web of Science, Biblioshiny, VOSviewer Scholarly Publications on Information Literacy (1989-2020): A Bibliometric Study
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