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Developing A Theory-Based Framework for Scientific Assessment
Mohammad Hassanzadeh, Hamid Reza Mahmoodi
Department of Knowledge and Information Science Tarbiat Modares University Tehran, Iran., Msc in KIS Tarbiat Modares University Tehran, Iran
Abstract: Indicators proposed to evaluate scientific productivity lack strong theoretical foundations. Any framework that assesses the scientific merits should be supported by a strong theoretical foundation. Scientific institutions that rely on various evaluation indicators need to use theory-based frameworks. In the current work we have designed the AHP questionnaire and provided them to the users to record the responses. After obtaining the filled questionnaire we have used expert software to analyse the results. While assessing the results we found that the individual indexes are strong which provide significance nine times more that non-individual index. Theoretical framework is normally carryout the bibliometrics research team who consider many components in the formation. We advocate that theorizing is a coherent, dynamic, impactful and thoughtful practice and the outcome can be useful to the researchers to recognize the credible generalizable relationship between causes and effects. While concluding the present work for theorizing the institutions we have deployed an equation to evaluate.
Keywords: Theory, Theorizing, Theorizing Capacity, Assessing Theorizing Developing A Theory-Based Framework for Scientific Assessment
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