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Scholarly Communications across the Globe: Practices and Enrichment of Learning
Shiva Kanaujia Sukula, Shipra Awasthi
Dr B R Ambedkar Central Library Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi, India
Abstract: Electronic Theses & Dissertations are the intellectual content of an organization that remains unpublished and is considered a rich source of information for the academic community. Libraries are putting efforts to digitize the content and make it available and accessible online across the globe. The paper aims to portray the status of ETD, services, and embargo policies followed by the institutions. It also provides a glimpse of the data published in various journals indexed in the Web of Science database.
Keywords: Electronic Theses & Dissertation, ETD, NDLTD, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) Scholarly Communications across the Globe: Practices and Enrichment of Learning
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