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A Bibliometric Analysis of Dengue Fever Publications in Malaysia (1981 -2017)
Yanti-Idaya A.M.K, Nordiana A.K.S, Noorhidawati A., Mike Thelwall
Department Library and Information Science Faculty of Arts and Social Science Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA
Abstract: Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne neglected tropical disease affecting tens or hundreds of millions of people, with over ten thousand fatalities every year. More research is needed to help eradicate it or reduce its prevalence. Some of this research needs to be region-specific to deal with public health issues. This article analyses dengue-related publications from one of the affected countries, Malaysia, to assess the growth, prevalence, and subjects of published journal articles. The overall research design was to identify a collection of articles published in PubMed database and indexed in the WoS Core Collection and then produce a bibliometric profile of scientific publication. Malaysian research has increased in line with the growth of the disease, covering the four major topics of public health, mosquitos, the virus, and medical detection/ intervention. Malaysian dengue research is almost always multi-authored, usually involves more than one institution and often includes international collaboration. For all research, the first author is Malaysian (71%). Although Malaysian research is often published in relevant local journals, such as Tropical Biomedicine (8%), articles in international journals have more impact. Overall, the results point to Malaysia possessing an increasing amount of academic expertise in all fields relevant to the Dengue virus, which must be exploited to control infection rates to aid the infected patients.
Keywords: Dengue, Malaysia, Bibliometrics A Bibliometric Analysis of Dengue Fever Publications in Malaysia (1981 -2017)
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