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The Promise of ChatGPT as a Tool/Source and its Web Impact
M.Suresh Babu, P Vijayakumar
Department of Library & Information Science Mandsaur University, Mandsaur Madhya Pradesh., Pondicherry University Pondicherry 605106 India
Abstract: ChatGPT has emerged as a primary platform in recent months due to its capability of extracting answers to any query or coding requirement in the online platform. Despite the criticism about its functioning, it has penetrated the whole world in a big way. In this work, we studied its web/online impact on different platforms. ChatGPT has emerged as a primary platform in recent months due to its capability of extracting answers to any query or coding requirement in the online platform. Despite the criticism about its functioning, it has penetrated the whole world in a big way. In this work, we studied its web/online impact on different platforms.
Keywords: ChatGPT, Web Impact, Information Extraction, ChatGPT Metrics The Promise of ChatGPT as a Tool/Source and its Web Impact
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